Low Midnight

Low Midnight is a black and white first person shooter developed with Unity3D in the course of the 7DFPS challenge 2012.

Growing with the challenge is something every good game designer should be able to do. The 7day FPS challenge seemed like a good opportunity to test my game design skills and I promptly enrolled, without knowing if I would have to do it all alone or if I would find a team. Two days after the challenge had started I managed to convince my fellow students Maren and Malte to embark with me on that journey into the unknown.

It was quickly apparent that we couldn’t go for anything realistic on that limited time frame and thus we agreed on a black & white western shooter.

We learned a lot from the challenge. Concentrating all your knowledge into one project that needs to be finished quickly, working under extreme pressure and surviving without much sleep being some things, most importantly the essence of good teamwork.


More info on the game website.